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RecyclePro1 for BOTTLES CANS etc

  • Product Code: B-1232
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RecyclePro1 for BOTTLES CANS etc


Supplied with heavy gauge, seamless, hand-spun aluminum covers, the RecyclePro Recycling Receptacles are durable as well as handsome. Choose from our selection of shapes for each recycling hole on each cover, allowing the RecyclePro to conveniently sort the recyclables in a way that is best suited for your facility.

RecyclePro Recycling Receptacles have covers and bodies that are silk screened with clear messages and logos that look professional and last indefinitely. We allow you to choose the message/logo you want for each opening of our recycling receptacles. Custom messages and corporate/government logos are easily prepared to customize your RecyclePro Recycling Receptacles for a minimal set-up fee.

Available in three different sizes, these smartly designed recycling receptacles are already a favorite of commercial designers and purchasing agents across the country. Make RecyclePro Recycling Receptacles your preferred collection choice!



Recycle-Pro1 Cover Choices

Cover Openings for Recycle-Pro1 Single Purpose and Recycle-Pro Value Series Receptacles

Recycle-Pro1 Cover ChoicesRecycle-Pro1 Cover ChoicesRecycle-Pro1 Cover ChoicesRecycle-Pro1 Cover Choices

Recycle-Pro Stock Messages

The following is a list of standard silk screens that are in stock and available to you. These messages can be applied to almost all receptacles whether designated as a Recycle Pro Recycling Receptacle or not.

Note: On Recycle-Pro1 Single Purpose and Value Receptacles, Your Message will be Imprinted on the Front of the Receptacle along with the International "Recycle" Logo. On Recycle-Pro2 Dual Purpose and Recycle-Pro3 Triple Purpose Receptacles, the International "Recycle" Logo is Imprinted on the Front of the Receptacle and Your Message is Imprinted on the Cover Next to its Corresponding Opening.

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Custom Messages

We have a complete in-house silk screening department. Please ask us about custom messaging and logos that can be prepared in a few days time. We will design new art or utilize the art you supply to us. We will screen the image onto any receptacle, sign panel or other product to provide the most attractive, durable, and professional message.


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Optional Canopy Tops For RecyclePro Value Individual and Modular System, for Outdoor Use

Description Canopy top will be Installed to match the finish of the cover
Diameter 20


Catalog # B-1232
Description     5.5" dia. hole 
(Use LB12 poly bags) 
Cap. (Gal.) 12
Ht. (In.) 30
Dia. (In.) 12
Actual wgt (lb.) 24

Catalog # B-1532
Description     5.5" dia. hole 
(Use LB15 poly bags)
Cap. (Gal.) 16
Ht. (In.) 33
Dia. (In.) 15
Actual wgt (lb.) 33

Catalog # B-2032
Description     5.5" dia. hole
(Usel LB20 poly bags)
Cap. (Gal.) 33
Ht. (In.) 35
Dia. (In.) 20
Actual wgt (lb.) 48

Liner Bags

Clear Poly Liner Bags(2 mil thick) for RecyclePro Value Recycling Receptacles

Size of the bag Contents Actual Weights
18.5" x 36" Case of 100 bags 10
23" x 36" Case of 100 bags 12
31" x 36" Case of 100 bags 15


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RecyclePro1 for BOTTLES CANS etc

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Phone Number: 866-756-4560