Green Recycling Products Blog

Use the Recycle Box to Start a Marker Recycling Program

Joseph Coupal - Friday, September 21, 2012

Every year Crayola makes half a billion markers to be sold around the world.  That’s enough markers to circle the earth more than three times!  Millions of kids use and love markers, but they are becoming concerned with the problem of discarded plastics.  These plastics escape into the ocean and then enter our food chain as they are broken down into smaller pieces.

“I love your markers, but I’d like to tell you it’s polluting. So can I please send some of your markers back? I love your product, but hate pollution," says Zachary, age 9 from Sun Valley School in a letter to Crayola.

These students started an online campaign against Crayola to get them to start a “take back” program.  Noting the slow response from Crayola, competitor Dixon Ticonderoga agreed to start a “take back” program simply because it’s “the right thing to do,” CEO Timothy Gomez stated in a press release.

Dixon Ticonderoga’s recycling program will process the company's Prang line of markers for recycling. The company will offer prepaid UPS shipping labels for marker hauls of seven pounds or more.

To encourage the recycling efforts of Sun Valley Elementary students, the company has provided the school a year’s supply of Prang markers.

The Fibrex Group’s Recycle Box would be a perfect solution for collecting all of those markers at schools, daycares, recreation centers, or even at home.  The Recycle Box comes in a generous 32 or 44 gallon bin size and is made from recycled plastic itself so the kids can see the closure of the recycling loop in person.

The Crayola petition is still available to sign online at

Dress Up Your Local Park with Designer Recycling Receptacles

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In our neck of the woods, as well as many others, back to school means back to organized sports for many of our kids.  I was happy to notice last weekend at our local soccer fields, that the park has now obtained recycling containers!

Many of these waste and recycling containers were placed throughout the park and even at many of the soccer fields where my kids play.  It’s such an awesome idea to get kids and families to recycle where they play.  Teaching kids about the stewardship of the earth and their environment is an easy task, but parents just need the right tools to give them a great example of how to do it.

Many companies are now marketing “dress-up” recycle bins that look great, enhance the natural environment in which they are placed, and of course, serve a necessary purpose in their locales.  The users of these containers also find it easy and convenient to recycle while they are not at home.  

Whether the recycling receptacles are designed using recycled plastic lumber such as Fibrex’s Envirodesign Series or made from metal like the Stadium Series, the public truly appreciates having modern, functional recycling containers in which to place their used recyclables.

What better place to recycle than at the park!

Buy Local - Support your Local Farmers

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The kids all got on the bus this morning and summer has officially come to an end.  Now, we moms have to start thinking about having enough healthy after-school snacks in the house and prepared dinners for the family.  Of course your best bet would be to buy local.

While you can always get fresh pickings at Whole Foods Market, Trader Joes, and Fresh Market, it’s always best to support our local farmers.  My community is fortunate enough to have the Smithfield Farmers Market every Saturday from May – October.   My kids love going down to our Main Street area every weekend to purchase locally grown cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, corn and a whole plethora of fresh, tasty produce.  We can even get eggs, honey, peanuts and pumpkins for Halloween when the season comes around.  Living in a rural community definitely has its perks.  

While you’re shopping, you might want to bring something along to bring all of those yummy vegetables home safely.  I would recommend The Fibrex Group’s Multi-Recycler Bin . While originally designed for recycling at home or in the dorm/apartment, it can also be used as a handy tote for shopping at the market since it has a convenient handle built-in on the container.  They even fit nicely into a child’s wagon so you don’t have to carry them around when they get too full.  

The Virginian Grown Coalition is a great place to find out where to purchase locally grown items in the State of Virginia.  Every state has their own coalition, so just go to your state’s website for information.  Always look for recycling containers at the market during your visit.

Happy hunting – here’s to eating well!

Back to School Recycling – The Other Three “R”s

Joseph Coupal - Monday, August 27, 2012
Mobius Flex - The Fibrex Group

So it’s the end of the summer. Teacher assignments are coming in, school supplies are being bought, and the kids aren’t very happy about the impending fall schedule. While you’re picking up those brand new school supplies, think about purchasing recycled content products such as loose-leaf paper, notebooks, folders, binders, even pens. Your back to school purchase can make a huge difference in the environment.

Don’t buy school supplies that you don’t have to purchase new. Reuse pencils, pens, binders, notebooks, markers, etc. from last year’s booty. There’s no need to kill more trees when you’ve got pencils already stashed throughout your house.

Recycle Box - The Fibrex Group
An awesome website called says “14 billion pencils are produced every year, many made with wood from ancient forests. Americans use about 31.5 million tons of printing and writing paper each year, requiring 535 million trees (most from virgin tree fiber) and 12 billion gallons of oil to make. The average American consumes about 660 pounds of paper per year, compared to 550 pounds in Japan and only about 8.8 pounds in India.” Think smart and reuse existing supplies.

When searching for those fashionable wardrobes that every kid has to have, give the thrift store or consignment shop a try. Stores like Plato’s Closet and the DAV thrift stores have some awesome threads that your kids will love. Even Abercrombie, Aeropostale, American Eagle, Vans, Levis, Quiksilver, and RVCA to name a few. Then when the kids grow out of them, recycle them again if they are in good shape, for someone else to style.

And, as always, make sure that your child’s school has recycling receptacles for the kids to use in the cafeteria, sports facilities and their classrooms. The Fibrex Group can aid in your decision for obtaining recycling containers for your school. Check out our new Mobius Flex and the Recycle Box. These environmentally friendly receptacles are easy for the kids to use, remind them to recycle, and look awesome in their school setting. We can even put custom logos on them to match the school’s sports team or mascot!

Best of luck in the last week of summer, or your first week of the school year - whichever comes first.

Close the loop – reduce, reuse & recycle!

Raise Money for Your Organization Through Recycling

Joseph Coupal - Friday, August 17, 2012

Did you know you could make money from recycling? Right now every organization is looking for cash. PTO’s, senior centers, school and town sports teams, gated neighborhoods and apartment communities are all looking for easy and innovative ways to make money.

Your organization or community can make money from recycling program; Okaloosa County did.

Set up recycling bins custom printed with your organizations name and purpose. Encourage recycling and make money for your organization. Your school and town will be recycling while your organization makes money and helps the environment.

For years, Okaloosa County shipped tons of recyclable trash collected from the beaches to a landfill and they paid the landfill to take it.

Recently, a group of local residents, county and city staff members created a pilot beach recycling program. They sent a load of beach refuse to a recycling facility in Pensacola, which was more than happy to take it.

Now instead of paying a $50 per ton to the landfill, the county makes around $35 per ton from the recycling facility. In the month of July alone, almost 38 tons of refuse was recycled instead of being sent to the landfill. The county received around $1200 for the money of July alone.

If your county, senior center, municipal fields, town and school teams or PTO needs a way to raise money, consider recycling for dollars. Fibrex Group can custom print your organization’s logo and mission on your recycling container.

Made for easy use, these indoor and outdoor recycling bins can help your organization make money while keeping recyclables out of the landfill. Your teachers and organizations have the opportunity to use this recycling program in school lesson plans and as challenges to your community.

Contact the Fibrex Group for more information on outdoor and indoor recycling bins.

Information about Okaloosa from

Recycling Containers for Businesses that Rely on Tourism

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Much of the nation has been experiencing a heat wave this summer. This has been creating rise in activity at hotels and motels in resort areas as well as for the surrounding local businesses.  Where there are crowds it is always challenging to provide enough waste receptacles and recycling bins for all, and it is even more challenging to find recycling containers that are attractive.

Every business and community needs a recycling program in place. However, for those businesses and communities that rely on tourism, it is even more important. As resort areas and hotels see an upturn in business, it becomes more challenging to maintain the public areas, the beautiful vistas and scenic views. Make it easier on your employees and staff by providing accessible recycling containers and waste disposal for your guests.

Guests don’t notice when the beach and surrounds are pristine, but they do notice when they are not. When a business, resort or hotel counts on seasonal tourism, it is imperative that the public spaces are clean.

Aside from the economic benefits to recycling, there are other benefits too. Seasonal resort destinations have fragile ecosystems. Tourism has become a primary source of revenue for many businesses in these locations.

Businesses affected by tourism are volatile, as well as competitive; these types of businesses compete on a national, if not global, scale. It is imperative to set yourself apart from the competition.

The Profile 6 and Envirodesign recycling containers are perfect for resort communities, hotels,  and businesses that rely on tourism. These recycling containers help businesses keep areas clean by providing access to recycling for visitors.

The Profile and Envirodesign lines of recycling containers are very attractive and easy to use. The Profile product line is made from quality fiberglass with a high gloss finish.  The Envirodesign units are manufactured with recycled plastic lumber slats and a fiberglass lid in custom colors for easy identification.  Both of these types of receptacles require little maintenance and will perform beautifully year after year in many locales. A wide variety of standard colors, custom shades and options are available for your needs.

For information on the Profile and Envirodesign lines of recycling receptacles contact The Fibrex Group.

Summer Is Here - Install New, Maintenance Free School Playground Equipment

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer is the perfect time for schools to take advantage of empty playgrounds. If your school or municipal playground is in need of new playground equipment, take a look at our recycled lumber playground equipment and park furnishings by Play Mart. Across the nation, many of the pressure treated wood playgrounds are coming down to be replaced, with safer, more durable and reliable material.

Why are Play Mart playgrounds the perfect solution for schools and city parks? Because they are made from recycled lumber.  This playground equipment is made from recycled plastic milk jugs and it is entirely maintenance free. Play Mart recycled plastic playground equipment never requires sealing or painting and will not rot, crack or splinter.  The Fibrex Group has wide selection of recycled plastic lumber playground equipment and park benches.

With the focus in the classroom on reducing, reusing and recycling and decreasing our carbon footprints, this playground equipment, manufactured with 100% recycled plastic milk jugs can aid in discussion points as a part of the children’s lesson plans. Play Mart Playgrounds will also enhance your school and develop healthier and more active children. Contact the Fibrex Group to find out more about recycled lumber playground equipment and park benches.

Fibrex Group Sponsors Raleigh Fifth Annual Environmental Awards

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The City of Raleigh has worked diligently to develop unique and timely solutions to the solid waste issues facing all local governments. Raleigh Recycling has served as a cutting-edge example to other municipalities across the state and throughout the county.

The City of Raleigh makes it easy for residents living in apartments, condominiums and townhouses to participate in the Raleigh Recycling program. The program provides collection centers in convenient locations in apartment communities.  The Fibrex Profile 6 Compartment Recycling Containers have been an integral part of increasing the recycling rate in Raleigh.

The City of Raleigh established the Environmental Awards to recognize the outstanding work in environmental stewardship. The program recognizes individuals and organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to the environment in our community. The 2012 program marks the fifth annual event.

The award winners were honored at a celebration on April 24, 2012 at the Nature Research Center of the Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh.

There were twelve different Environmental Awards. The award winners were selected based upon quantifiable results that positively affect our environment and the Raleigh community.

The awards program is completely funded by community sponsors. The Fibrex Group was a sponsor of the event in April.  The City of Raleigh has been a long-standing customer of ours for 20 years.
For information on recycling programs, increasing recycling efforts or to purchase recycling containers for your parks, schools and multi-family areas please contact the Fibrex Group.

Municipalities Seek Innovative Ways to Increase Recycling

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Even though recycling efforts have improved, municipalities and parks still face mounds of jettisoned drink containers. City Managers across the country continue to promote and invest in recycling.  In New York City alone, in the recent past, almost 150,000 new recycling bins have incorporated as either permanent resources within New York’s public space or reused at city managed events.  But more needs to be done.
The Mayor of New York is engaged upon a campaign to double recycling in the city by 2017. It is estimated that only about 15% of New York’s total waste is being recycled. The New York Department of Sanitation says 182 tons of glass bottles and jars go into the trash every day.

According to the Container Recycling Institute, an anti-waste organization that tracks data on the topic, Americans used 38.6 billion glass beverage containers and 71.9 billion plastic beverage bottles in 2010.  The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only about 33% of glass bottles, and as few as 27% of plastic bottles, are recycled. City managers across the country want to do something in a big, visible way.  

Despite higher emphasis on recycling and more Americans taking part, recycling rates remain low, so aggressive city managers constantly search for fun and engaging ways to motivate change.  One of the most effective tools is the voice of local business owners who improved both their business reputation and brand via the use of custom labeled recycling bins and recycling containers.  American consumers remain loyal to environmentally friendly business.

For information regarding the use of custom recycling bins to promote your company’s brand or your cities “green image”, and to increase customer loyalty, contact the The Fibrex Group, America’s first choice for custom branded recycling equipment.

Promote your Green Image - Customize Your Businesses Recycle Bins

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Fibrex Group manufactures customized Recyling containers and bins tailored to the specific needs of your business.  These recycling collection tools are supremely functional while simultaneously communicating your business’ commitment to “going green”.

For indoor use, our highly popular “Mobius Recycling Stations” come with multi-color lids and in a wide variety of colors certain to blend perfectly within your business space.  They are perfect for inside public and commercial buildings such as offices, airports, malls, hotels and schools.

Want a fire-proof aluminum or steel to torecycle bin that is attractive and functional? Our RecyclePro recycle bins are ideal for every location. Every part of these recycling receptacles is constructed with recycled metals in the U.S.A.

Until April 30 take advantage of our “March Madness Logo Sale”. We are offering free customization on all of the Mobius and RecyclePro Recycling Bins and Waste Receptacles. Your organization’s logo and colors will shine bright with digitally printed logo decals.

Mobius and RecyclePro recycling bins are designed to function in the most demanding public spaces. Great for commercial LEED buildings, office complexes, convention centers, airports, schools & universities. 

Promote your green image, while collecting recyclables and diverting waste from landfills with Fibrex Recycling Containers. Our beautiful high-gloss gel coats, satin aluminum and satin brass finishes are built to last. Custom drop-in openings give you an opportunity to create and choose a style that you’re your businesses collection methods.

Offer is valid for new quotes and orders only.  Recycling container product must be purchased to receive free personalization - expires April 30, 2012. Contact The Fibrex Group for further information.